Qazi Abdul Ghaffar- My Maternal Grandfather (Nana Abba)

Nana Abba was one of those high ranking literary figures who authored three noted books, Laila Ke Khatoot, Majnu ki Dairy, and Ajeeb. He was also the publisher of PAYAM Urdu news paper in Hyderabad in the 1940s, which could be construed to be the predecessor of the current Urdu daily Siasat Urdu. Nana Abba was a contemporary and a close friend of Gandhiji, Pandit Nehru, and Maulana Azad. Its therefore not surprising that he too was arrested and served time for anti British and freedom movement.

Originally from Muradabad, Nana Abba spent about 10 years in Hyderabad before moving back to Aligarh before police action. After the police action along with Pandit Sunderlal and Maulana Abdul Misri, he was sent to Hyderabad by Nehru to give a full report on the atrocities committed by the Indian army and other anti Muslim forces. The three went through painstaking investigations and traveled far and wide and what they found and reported was so hideous, the brutalities and atrocities committed so horrific that the government of India was ashamed to acknowledge it, and as a result for half a century this report was considered classified and hidden away.

The Deccan Chronicle – November 13, 2013

Hyderabad: The 1948 massacres after the Police Action in Hyderabad State that had claimed the lives of lakhs of Hindus and Muslims is one of the most notorious incidents of communal violence in the country. But the Sundar Lal report on the massacres has been kept a secret for decades.

Now, Deccan Chronicle has exclusive access to the report of Pandit Sundar Lal, Qazi Abdul Ghaffar and Maulana Abdulla Misri on the aftermath of the Police Action (military invasion) by the Indian army of the Hyderabad state in September 1948.

The team consisting of Pandit Sundar Lal, Qazi Abdul Ghaffar and Maulana Abdulla Misri had visited Hyderabad State between November 9 and December 21, 1948, to review the situation there.

Here is the full report

Sunder lal




5 thoughts on “Qazi Abdul Ghaffar- My Maternal Grandfather (Nana Abba)”

  1. I had the privilege to meet and wortk wityh Qazii Abdul Ghaffar Saheb in 1951 whern hje was
    election incharge of Pandit Nehru in 1951 elections . Despiie age difference ( I was only 22 year old) he always treated youngsters as his equals and with great affection.. I always recal my brief association with that great author and finest human being.

  2. Assalamo Alaikum,

    My name is Aamir Iftikhar Ahmed son of Qazi Iftikhar Ahmed (Machhan). Nephew of Qazi Abdul Ghaffar Sahib. (Younger son of Qazi Abdul Jabbar). I live in Lahore, Pakistan.

    I read your article about Qazi sahid and felt inclined to write to you about us. Hope to hear from you.

    • Salam alai kum Aamir bhai

      It is very good to hear from you. I remember a Machhan Mamu from way back in the 50s.He was my my mothers cousin. Are you in touch with our other relatives back in India? Bajjujaan recently passed away. She lived in Gorakhpur. My mother lives in Hyderabad. She is in general good health but getting weaker as she just turned 94.
      Would like to stay in touch with you

  3. Informative piece of your Nana Abba. I would very much like to know whether your Nana Abba i.e. Qazi Abdul Gaffar went to the Kakinada Congress in December,1923 (presided over by Maulana Mahamood Ali) as a Hyderabad Congress pioneer delegate or observer? I remember that some Muslim Congress leader and also one Hindu leader from Hyderabad went there. Can you give me this information. Please send to my email. I would have sent you a message by email but your email is not given in this blog.

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